Cash PickUp

Fincra allows a recipient of a money transfer to retrieve their funds in cash from a physical location, rather than having them deposited electronically into a bank account.

Cash pickup is a fast, simple, convenient, secure, and affordable way of transferring money that allows individuals to send money to another person who can then pick up the cash in person from a designated location, such as a bank or a money transfer agent. The sender typically initiates the transaction online or through a mobile app and provides the necessary details, including the amount to be transferred and the recipient's name and location. The recipient then goes to the designated location with valid identification to collect the cash.
This service is commonly used for domestic and international money transfers and provides a convenient and secure way for individuals to send and receive cash.

Please Note
At the moment, the only available currency for this service is USD.
Also the Minimum amount required to use this service is $10 .

businessYesStringThe ID of the business making the payout.
sourceCurrencyYesStringThe currency which is used to fund the payout
destinationCurrencyYesStringThe currency in which the recipient will be receiving funds
amountYesStringThe value that is to be transferred from the source currency wallet.
paymentDestinationYesStringThis is the type of account you want to send your payments to, see payment destinations for more details. e.g "cash_pick_up" for cash pick up.
senderYesObjectThe sender of the funds. Depending on the currency and beneficiary type, the properties of the beneficiaries are different.
sender.firstNameYesStringThe first name of the sender.
sender.lastNameYesStringThe last name of the sender.
sender.emailYesStringThe email of the sender
sender.phoneYesStringThe sender's phone number.
Please Remove the country code and the leading zero from the number.
sender.birthDateYesStringThe birthdate of the sender. Sender's birthDate should be in this format: YYYY-MM-DD
sender.addressYesObjectThe sender address Object
sender.address.countryYesStringThe sender address Country. This field should be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes e.g NG, GB
sender.address.stateYesStringThe state in the sender address.
Input a 2-letter abbreviation of the sender's state. For example, TX, NY, WA. Non-US default: 01.
sender.address.postalCodeYesStringThe sender's address postal code
sender.address.cityYesStringThe sender's address city
sender.address.streetYesStringThe sender's address street
beneficiaryYesObjectThe recipient of the funds. Depending on the currency and beneficiary type, the properties of the beneficiaries are different.
beneficiary.firstNameYesStringThe first name of the beneficiary.
beneficiary.middleNameYesStringThe middle name of the beneficiary
beneficiary.lastNameYesStringThe last name of the beneficiary
beneficiary.emailNoStringThe beneficiary email address
beneficiary.typeYesStringThe type of beneficiary, see beneficiary types for more details
beneficiary.phoneYesStringThe beneficiary's phone number is significant as this is used to deliver the OTP code to receive payments at the bank. Please Remove the country code and the leading zero from the number.
beneficiary.addressYesObjectThe beneficiary address object
beneficiary.address.countryYesStringThe country in which the beneficiary address is located. This field should be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes e.g NG, GB
beneficiary.address.stateNoStringThe state in the beneficiary address. Input a 2-letter abbreviation of the beneficiary's state. For example, TX, NY, and WA. Non-US default: 01.
beneficiary.address.cityNoStringThe beneficiary's address city
beneficiary.address.streetNoStringThe beneficiary's address street
beneficiary.cashPickUpLocationCodeYesStringThis can be gotten by calling List bank endpoint on the country (NG) and check where "isCashPickUp": true e.g
"NG_CP_LOC_1 "
beneficiary.securityQuestionIdNoStringThis can be gotten by calling cash pickup security question endpoint
beneficiary.securityAnswerNoStringThis is an answer to be provided to the security question asked
descriptionYesStringA simple description of payment e.g "From Daniella"
quoteReferenceYesStringThis is the reference generated when the source currency is compared against the destination currency.

This is required when the source currency is not the same as the destination currency. You can generate a quote using the Generate quote endpoint.

Make a POST request to create a payout endpoint passing the payload below.

    "business": "63da866cb938c4e0b871f514",
    "sourceCurrency": "EUR",
    "destinationCurrency": "USD",
    "amount": "10.00",
    "paymentDestination": "cash_pick_up",
    "sender": {
        "firstName": "Haishat",
        "lastName": "Technologies",
        "birthDate": "1997-10-21",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "09090909098",
        "address": {
            "country": "NG",
            "street" : "Mayor",
            "city": "Maoe",
            "postalCode": "234",
            "state": "LG"
    "beneficiary": {
        "firstName": "Ayo",
        "middleName": "Reciever",
        "lastName": "Technologies",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "type": "individual",
        "phone": "090445023922",
        "address": {
            "state": "LG",
            "country": "NG",
            "street": "12, Maryland, Ikeja"
        "cashPickUpLocationCode": "NG_CP_LOC_1",
        "securityQuestionId": 1,
        "securityAnswer": "Omolola Williams"
    "description": "From Hai",
    "quoteReference": "7f491da7-44f0-4a33-aac6-0a3c7da4732a"

To get Cash Pickup Questions, make a GET request to cash pickup security question

Please Note

  • Ensure the beneficiary’s first, middle, and last name agrees to the beneficiary’s Government-issued ID
  • The beneficiary's phone number is significant as this is used to deliver the OTP code to receive payments at the bank.
  • The minimum payout amount for cash pick-up is 10USD