Payout Errors
This page contains the errors that you can encounter while using Fincra Payout Endpoints
Error Type | Message | Action to take | Category |
NO_ENOUGH_MONEY_IN_WALLET | You don't have enough money in your wallet to make this payout | Please ensure your balance is funded and retry the payout | Genuine Failure |
INVALID_QUOTE | Invalid quote supplied | Please generate a new quote and retry the payout | Genuine Failure |
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | Payout not found | Please requery the transaction until you get a definitive response status(processing, failed, successful) from Fincra | Ambiguous |
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | Quote not found. Kindly do a re-quote to continue | Please re-generate a new quote and re-initiate the payout. | Genuine Failure |
QUOTE_NOT_GENERATED | Error occurred while generating a quote | Please retry the request | Genuine Failure |
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | The volume of requests sent to the endpoint has exceeded the limit( 200 transaction requests per second per merchant). | Kindly ensure that you are not sending over 200 transaction requests per second. | Genuine Failure |
DUPLICATE_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE | Cannot continue, Duplicate Customer Reference Passed | Please retry the request with a unique customer reference | Genuine Failure |
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | Quote Reference not specified, Kindly generate a quote first to continue. | Happens when you initiate a cross-currency payout. Please generate a quote first and supply the reference when re-initiating the payout | Genuine Failure |
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | Destination currency (${destinationCurrency}) not supported | please check the API documentation for supported currencies you can payout to | Genuine Failure |
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | Payment destination ${paymentDestination} not supported for currency ${destinationCurrency}, kindly supply a valid payment destination. | please check the API documentation for supported payment destinations | Genuine Failure |
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | ${currency} currency not supported | please check the API documentation for supported currencies | Genuine Failure |
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | Beneficiary country is required | Happens when you initiate an international payout. Please supply the beneficiary country in the payload | Genuine Failure |
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | Payout to AIRTEL requires a whole num amount. | Happens when a decimal is passed in the amount field when a Mobile Money payout is initiated, with mobileMoneyCode: "AIRTEL". If you are processing a cross-currency payout and the decimal amount generated is post-conversion, you can get a whole number using the quote API with receive action. | Genuine Failure |
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | Error occurred during operation. Please try again later. | Please requery the transaction until you get a definitive response status(processing, failed and successful) from Fincra | Ambiguous |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Error occured during operation. We're currently checking why this is happening. | Please requery the transaction until you get a definitive response status(processing, failed and successful) from Fincra | Ambiguous |
VALIDATION_FAILED | Validation failed | please re-check the request payload sent for validation error and try again | Genuine Failure |
ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied to requested resource | Please contact Fincra support team | Genuine Failure |
OPERATION_FORBIDDEN | Operation forbidden | Please contact Fincra support team | Genuine Failure |
Updated over 1 year ago