2FA Implementation on Merchant Portal

Q: What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

A: Two-Factor Authentication is an additional layer of security that helps protect your account by requiring you to provide two forms of identification before accessing it. In addition to your password, you will need a unique verification code generated by an authentication app, sent via SMS, or delivered to your registered email address.

Q: Why is Two-Factor Authentication important?

A: Two-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. It significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, protects your sensitive information, and helps prevent potential fraud or data breaches.

Q: How do I set up Two-Factor Authentication for my merchant account?

A: To set up Two-Factor Authentication, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your merchant account on the Merchant Portal.
  • Navigate to the Security or Account Settings section.
  • Look for the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) settings option.
    Choose your preferred 2FA method: SMS-based codes, email-based codes, or Authenticator app.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.

Q: What are the available Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) methods?

A: We support multiple 2FA methods for your convenience. You can use a third-party authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator or Authy, to generate verification codes.

Q: What happens if I lose access to my 2FA method (e.g., mobile phone or authenticator app)?

A: If you lose access to your 2FA method, please contact our support team immediately. They will guide you through the account recovery process to help you regain access to your merchant account.

Q: What if I encounter issues or need assistance during the 2FA setup process?

A: If you encounter any issues or need assistance while setting up Two-Factor Authentication, please reach out to our support team. They will be glad to assist you and address any concerns you may have.

Q: Is Two-Factor Authentication mandatory for all merchant accounts?

A: Yes, with the latest release, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has become mandatory for all merchant accounts on the Merchant Portal. This measure ensures the highest level of security for your account and the protection of your sensitive data.