List Banks

This API lets you view a list of banks and mobile money wallet providers, together with their details such as code, swiftCode, and Bic.

This API lets you view a list of banks and mobile money wallet providers, together with their details such as code, swiftCode, and Bic.

Please read the descriptions below to find out what kind of response you can expect after making the API call.

IdStringThe unique identifier of the bank on our application
codeStringThe unique identifier assigned by the central bank of the beneficiary's country to the bank. This serves as the bankCode and mobileMoneyCode in the Payout API
nameStringThe name of the bank
isMobileVerifiedBooleanThis is used to identify mobile money operators.
if isMobileVerified is true, then the bank is a mobile money operator else if it is false the bank is not a mobile money operator.
branchesObjectThe branches of the bank
branches.idStringThe unique identifier of the branch
branches.branchCodeStringThe code of the branch
branches.branchNameStringThe name of the branch
branches.swiftCodeStringThe swift code of the branch , according to ISO 9362
branches.bicStringThe Bic code of the branch , according to ISO 9362
branches.BankIdStringThe bank Id
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