GBP (British Pounds) Account

This section describes the requirements for creating a virtual account in GBP. In this section, the payloads have been separated into the requirements for individual and corporate accounts. Please take your time to go through each request properly.

With a GBP virtual account, payments can be received in GBP


Hey πŸ‘‹ , we recommend reading the sections below because they are critical to understanding each virtual account request.

GBP Account Settlement Time

The settlement time is the amount of time it takes for funds to be deposited into your Fincra account/IBAN, and it is determined by the payment scheme used by the sender.

Payment SchemeTime
CHAPSWithin 24 hours
FPS10 seconds to one day

Endpoint Parameters

These parameters can be tested on an API explorer by calling the various endpoints we support for our virtual account requests :



  • After a virtual account creation request is made, we will return a response with a data object containing a unique identifier _id of the virtual account, which we would also include in the webhook we send to you as id if the virtual account is declined or approved.

  • The meansOfId can be sent as a string, file, or array of URLs when making use of the create virtual account endpoint

Individual Request

These are the fields required to process an individual virtual account request in GBP

currencyYesstringThe virtual account currency.e.g EUR
accountTypeYesstringThe virtual account type . Please see the API documentation for more details
meansOfIdYesstring/arrayThe customer's means of identification which should be a valid government ID e.g voters card, driving license. Please see the API documentation
utilityBillYesstringElectricity bills, water bills or any detailed invoice showing the usage of a service. This can be a File Upload or URL link to the document.
bankStatementYesstringAccount statement from the user's bank. This can be a File Upload or URL link to the document.
KYCInformationYesObjectKYC Information object
KYCInformation.firstNameYesstringThe customer's first name . This is required to create an individual account
KYCInformation.lastNameYesstringThe customer's last name . This is required to create an individual account
KYCInformation.birthDateYesstringThe birthdate of the customer(YYYY-MM-DD ).
KYCInformation.nationalityYesstringThe customer's place of birth
KYCInformation.emailYesstringThe customer's email.
KYCInformation.addressYesObjectThe address of the customer
KYCInformation.address.countryOfResidenceYesstringThe address of the country
KYCInformation.address.stateYesstringThe address of the state
KYCInformation.address.zipYesstringThe zip code
KYCInformation.address.streetYesstringThe street name
KYCInformation.address.numberYesstringThe house number
KYCInformation.sourceOfIncomeYesstringCustomer's source of income
KYCInformation.accountDesignationYesstringSpecific use of the account e.g for personal use, corporate use, school fee payments etc
KYCInformation.employmentStatusYesstringCustomer's employment status
KYCInformation.incomeBandYesstringCustomer's income band.IncomeBand can be described as earning range or salary range of the customer.
KYCInformation.phoneYesstringThe customer's phone number.
KYCInformation.documentYesobjectThe document
KYCInformation.document.typeYesstringThe type of ID document e.g passport, driverLicense, idCard.

Please see the required values here
YesstringThe number on the document
YesstringThe country that issued the document.Should be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 – two-letter country codes format(NG)
YesstringThe government agency in charge of issuing the document.
YesstringThe date the document was issued("YYYY-mm-dd")
YesstringThe expiration date on the document ("mm-dd-YYYY").
KYCInformation.occupationYesstringThe occupation of the customer.

The payload should look like this :

    "currency": "GBP",
    "meansOfId": [
    "utilityBill": "",
    "bankStatement": "",
    "accountType": "individual",
    "KYCInformation": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "birthDate": "1984-07-24",
        "nationality": "NG",
        "incomeBand": "0-100000",
        "phone": "09031234321",
        "address": {
            "countryOfResidence": "NG",
            "zip": "23401",
            "street": "Obada",
            "number": "10",
            "state": "Lagos",
            "city": "Alimosho"
        "document": {
            "type": "passport",
            "number": "B00530002",
            "issuedCountryCode": "NG",
            "issuedBy": "government",
            "issuedDate": "2000-09-14",
            "expirationDate": "02-09-2024"
        "occupation": "Software-Developer",
        "sourceOfIncome": "Software-Development",
        "accountDesignation": "personal",
        "employmentStatus": "Employed"

Corporate Request

These are the fields required to process a corporate virtual account request in EUR/GBP.

currencyYesstringThe virtual account currency.e.g GBP
accountTypeYesstringThe virtual account type e.h corporate
reasonYesstringThe reason for requesting a virtual account.
paymentFlowDescriptionYesstringThe countries payments are coming from and going to, The general purpose of these payments, Customer categories of the business etc.
monthlyVolumeYesstringThis is the committed transaction volume multiplied by the number of days in the relevant month.
entityNameYesstringThis is the legal name of the business or company.
KYCInformation.addressYesObjectThe address of the customer
KYCInformation.address.countryYesstringThe address of the country
KYCInformation.address.stateYesstringThe address of the state
KYCInformation.address.zipYesstringThe zip code
KYCInformation.address.streetYesstringThe street name
KYCInformation.address.houseIdYesstringThe business address number(Required for only UK residents)

The payload should look like this :

    "currency": "GBP",
    "accountType": "corporate",
    "KYCInformation": {
        "city": "Lekki",
        "state": "lagos",
        "zip": "234",
        "houseId": "12345" //for UK residents
    "reason": "The reason for requesting a corporate account",
    "monthlyVolume": 10000,
    "entityName": "john doe legal enterprise",
    "paymentFlowDescription": "we pay in pounds every month"

Please note that we will get other required information from the KYC that was submitted during onboarding