Making Payouts

Fincra supports various transfer options for payouts such as bank transfer, mobile money and wallet-to-wallet transfers.

We support both same currency payouts (local payouts) where the source and destination currencies are the same, and [cross-currency payouts](cross-currency-payout) (cross border payouts) where the source and destination currencies are different allowing you to globalise your payments.

To make payouts with Fincra, you can utilise our payouts API and/or the merchant portal (no-code) and we support several currencies and allow you make payouts in various ways.

Payment destinations

Depending on your use case, you must specify your payment destination using the corresponding API values below when making payouts via the API. Learn more about our supported payment destinations here.

Payment destinationAPI value
Bank accountsbank_account
Mobile money walletmobile_money_wallet
Fincra Accountwallet

Currencies supported for payouts

Fincra supports a variety of currencies across the globe for payouts. Please read this section to get a comprehensive list of currencies you can make payouts to.

Making payouts via the transfer API

1. Fund your Fincra wallet

You can fund your wallet by making deposits into the virtual account generated for your business or by requesting a manual top-up. Learn more about [creating a virtual account] and funding your account to make the most of our virtual account collection method.



For test transactions, you must fund your sandbox account. For more information on how to achieve this, please see the test section

2. Collect payment information

To initiate the transaction, you'll need to obtain and pass the relevant information about your payout like the beneficiary information, amount, sender information (in some cases) etc.

See all fields used in making a payout request

businessYesStringThe ID of the business making the payout. You can get this from your Account page on the merchant portal.
sourceCurrencyYesStringThe currency which is used to fund the payout.
destinationCurrencyYesStringThe currency in which the recipient will be receiving funds.

For cross currency payouts, this value will vary from the
amountYesStringThe value that is to be transferred from the source currency wallet.
descriptionYesStringA simple description of payment e.g "From Daniella”
paymentDestinationYesStringThis is the type of account you want to send your payments to, see [payment destinations](# Payment Destinations) for more details.
customerReferenceYesStringThe transaction's unique identifier on your system. Customer references prevent duplicate transactions. We advise that you add it to your payload
quoteReferenceNoStringThis is the reference generated when the source currency is compared against the destination currency.

This is required for cross-currency payouts. You can generate a quote using the Generate quote endpoint.
senderConditionalObjectThe details of the customer initiating the payout
sender.nameConditionalStringThe customer's full name. This name would show up in the transfer narration.
sender.emailConditionalStringThe customer's email.
beneficiaryYesObjectThe recipient of the funds. Depending on the currency and beneficiary type, the properties of the beneficiaries are different.
beneficiary.firstNameYesStringThe first name of the beneficiary.
beneficiary.lastNameYesStringThe last name of the beneficiary.
beneficiary.accountHolderNameYesStringThis field is required by all type of beneficiaries.
beneficiary.countryYesStringThe country in which the bank of the beneficiary is located. This field should be according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes standards e.g NG, GB
beneficiary.emailNoStringThe beneficiary's email.
beneficiary.typeYesStringThe type of beneficiary, see beneficiary types for more details
beneficiary.bankCodeConditionalStringThe beneficiary bank code. To get the bank code please see the list banks endpoint codes for more details.

Initiate Payout

Using the fields collected, make a POST request to our Payout API. Depending on the type of beneficiary and the account's currency, you might need to give some extra information. See sample payloads for each currency

  "business": "{{The business ID}}",
  "sourceCurrency": "GBP",
  "destinationCurrency": "GBP",
  "amount": "1000",
  "description": "i want to pay my vendor",
  "paymentDestination": "bank_account",
  "customerReference": "{{$randomUUID}}",
  "beneficiary": {
    "firstName": "Hassan",
    "lastName": "Sarz",
    "accountHolderName": "Hassan Sarz",
    "country": "NG",
    "phone": "0803443433",
    "accountNumber": "GBXXCLJU04130780008933",
    "type": "individual",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "sortCode": "00000",
    "bankSwiftCode": "UBSWCHZH80A"//required for Chaps payment scheme only
  "paymentScheme": "{{paymentScheme}}",
  "quoteReference": "d187b2fa-27cd-43e6-b622-66361e409c6d"

Making payouts via the merchant portal

You must have a Fincra account in order to make payments from your portal. After successfully registering, all you have to do is navigate to the payout tab of the portal and make the payout. The video below will walk you through all you need to know about making payments on your portal.

Beneficiary Types

A beneficiary is a person or organisation whom you want to send money or make payments to

Beneficiary TypeDescription
individualAn individual that is the sole beneficiary of the payment.
corporateAn organisation or company that is the sole beneficiary of the payment.