
March 14, 2022

The following endpoints are deprecated and have been removed from the API.

  • GET /core/transactions/:transactionID
  • GET /core/transactions/disbursements/by-reference?business&reference
  • GET /core/transactions/disbursements/by-customer-reference?business&customerReference
  • POST /core/transactions/search/business/:businessID
  • POST /core/transactions/search/business/:businessID/sub-accounts
  • GET /disbursements/settlements/:settlementId
  • POST /disbursements/settlements/search/business/:businessID

Instead, use the following endpoints

  • GET /collections gets all collections belonging to a subaccount or an additional virtual account
  • GET /collections/reference/:reference?business= get one collection by reference belonging to a subaccount or an additional virtual account
  • GET /disbursements/payouts/ gets all payouts made by a business
  • GET /disbursements/payouts/customer-reference/:customerReference get one payout by customer reference
  • GET /disbursements/payouts/reference/:transactionReference get one payout by reference